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Takis: From TikTok Hype to Homemade

Takis selbstgemacht

In recent months, a spicy sensation has been sweeping social media, especially on TikTok. We're talking about Takis, the spicy snacks that originated in Mexico and are now conquering the hearts of snack lovers around the world. But with their growing popularity came a small catch - the hefty price in supermarkets due to import from Mexico. As a passionate snack fan, I couldn't resist this culinary hype and decided to make my own version of the spicy delicacy.

The fascination of spicy Takis chips

Takis are not just chips - they are an explosion of flavour and spiciness. The crispy rolls made from corn flour are coated with intense spices and chilli, which give them their unique taste. 

DIY inspiration

Given the high cost, I realized I needed to find a cheaper alternative to maintain my love for these spicy snacks. 



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